Altazimuth Arts
Metamorphosing Quilts
These zigzaggy, interactive art quilts change visually as the viewer moves past them, linking two different scenes in time and space, and transforming one into the other. They are made with a technique of my own invention, but draw inspiration from Renaissance studies in perspective.
Combined view from LEFT, CENTER, and RIGHT.
View from LEFT
View from RIGHT
Combined view from LEFT, CENTER, and RIGHT.
Metamorphosis I
Summer Comes to the Gray City
This is the first in the series of metamorphosing quilts. As the viewer moves from left to right, the image shifts: Here a cold, gray, urban scene gives way to the sweltering heat and thick flowers of summer.
30 1/2" x 35"
Combined view from LEFT, CENTER, and RIGHT.
View from LEFT of the New Moon.
View from RIGHT of the star block.
Combined view from LEFT, CENTER, and RIGHT.
Metamorphosis II
Like to a Silver Bow, New-Bent in Heaven
This quilt was made to celebrate the New England Quilt Museum's Silver Jubilee and the thirtieth anniversary of the Quinobequin Quilters' guild in Wellesley, Massachusetts. My inspiration was a line in Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream in which a character announces a wedding:
And then the moon, like to a silver bow
New-bent in heaven, shall behold the night
Of our solemnities.
As the viewer moves from left to right, the image of the crescent new moon metamorphoses into a traditional quilt star block, symbolic of both the NEQM and QQ guild.
23" x 23"