Altazimuth Arts
Lectures | Workshops | Services

Lectures on Sewing Arts & Sundials
Science, Museums, and My Quilting Journey
Trunk and slide show of my work and a description of my path as an art quilter.
A Stitch in Time
If you were a needle worker in the 17th to 20th centuries, what tools did you use? This talk explores the history of sewing implements such as sewing birds, thread barrels, needle cases, bodkins, and thimbles. Examples of antique sewing tools will be brought to the lecture.
Inside the Museum
Ever wonder how items are chosen for an exhibit or why they are arranged a certain way? This talk reveals the "secret life" of museums, explaining in particular the roles of the curator and other professional staff, and how they work together to put on an exhibition.
A Matter of Time: Sundial Iconography in Art, Literature, and Music
Depictions of sundials in the arts have had many meanings over the centuries. They have been used to represent the cycle of the seasons or to reinforce time discipline, to exhort people to use time wisely or to take time off for garden walks and romantic love.
Savvy Travelers and Their Pocket Sundials
Before people wore watches, they carried portable sundials. Learn about the amazing variety and beauty of the instruments that kept people on schedule in the 16th to 19th centuries.
Metamorphosing Quilts
Coming soon! A workshop teaching the principles and method of making your own metamorphosing quilt.
Time in Your Hands
In this workshop, participants will make an instrument for finding the time from the sun or stars, and learn how to use it. The Instrument will be appropriate for the user's latitude. Available choices may include a type of sundial (horizontal, vertical, diptych, equatorial, pillar, ring, or wristwatch), a nocturnal, or an astrolabe.
Need advice in curating an exhibition of art quilts or any other object? Let me take you and your group through the steps of creating and staging a memorable show organized around a particular theme.
Sundial Design
Help in the design, mathematical projections, and installation of sundials for parks and outdoor learning centers, for exhibit take-aways and souvenirs, for jewelry, and for the home.